******** MAIL SAFETY ******** USPS Message to Customers:
We Are Taking Every Possible Measure To Assure Safety Of Customers And The Mail The Postal Service places the highest priority on the safety of its employees and customers and the security of the U.S. Mail. We are taking every possible measure to assure the safety of all. We are working tirelessly to keep the mail moving and to keep customers and our employees safe and secure. America's postal employees have done an outstanding job of keeping the mail moving since Sept 11. We have delivered more than 20 billion pieces of mail since the tragedy. It's important to remember that these are isolated incidents. While we are taking every possible precaution, we understand the importance of America's mail to its people and its economy and we will continue to deliver it. We are coordinating our efforts with the FBI and the Department of Health and Human Services. Our Chief Postal Inspector is working with the mailing industry to strengthen the security of business mailrooms. We have established a Mail Security Task Force on hazardous biological and chemical materials that will include our unions, management associations, major mailers, and senior postal managers. Now more than ever, America is depending on the Postal Service to keep the mail moving safely and securely. Everyone needs to mobilize common sense in dealing with this unfamiliar situation. The information below describes how to identify a suspicious mail piece and the procedures to follow: - A Message From The Postmaster General
- What constitutes a suspicious letter or parcel?
- What Should I do if I Receive an Anthrax Threat by Mail?