An aviation expert uncovers the brilliance behind the first successful
flight of an engine-powered plane
In the centennial year of the Wright Brothers' first successful flight,
acclaimed aviation writer T. A. Heppenheimer
reexamines what Wilbur and Orville Wright achieved. In First Flight, he
debunks the popular assumption that the Wrights were simple mechanics who
succeeded by trial and error, demonstrating instead that they were true
engineering geniuses. Heppenheimer presents the
background that made possible the work of the Wrights and examines the work
of Samuel P. Langley, a serious rival. He places their work within a broad
historical context, emphasizing their contributions after 1903 and their
convergence with ongoing aeronautical work in France.
T. A. Heppenheimer (Fountain Valley, CA) has written extensively on
aerospace, business, and the history of technology. His many books include
Turbulent Skies: The History of Commercial Aviation (0-471-10961-4),
Countdown: A History of Space Flight (0-471-14439-8), and A Brief History
of Flight: From Balloons to Mach 3 and Beyond (0-471-34637-3), all from