Anti-Spam Policy Warning! Please do not use spam to promote our web site or club. Any member found to have been doing so will have their membership terminated immediately.
Spam is strictly prohibited
AviationHistory.org has believed since its inception that the anti spam fight must be addressed particularly at the email server level by giving all internet users greater spam protection by adopting practices in email server and network security technology and industry ethics that will block spam at the server source, or at the earliest possible point along network routes.
AviationHistory.org Anti-Spam Policy is very strict, we do not tolerate spammers. Spam defined as the electronic equivalent of junk mail and unsolicited messages sent to news groups through any network or server. If you were directed to this website from an unsolicited email, please forward the complete email, including headers. To do this now click here.
Club members, associates, partners, and affiliates are strictly prohibited from using spam in their marketing efforts, and are subject to immediate termination if they do so. Any commission earned by the spammer will stay in the club.  | In The News: SPAM
1) | Net's New Year resolution: Outlaw spam | | Rising angst over junk e-mail has the majority of the Internet population in favor of outlawing it, a new study shows. Web users are more annoyed than ever by the continuous flood of unsolicited bulk e-mail sent to in-boxes every day; 80 percent of Internet users surveyed said they are "very annoyed" by Spam, compared with only 49 percent who responded similarly two-and-a-half years ago, according to the latest Harris Poll. As a result of their irritation, an estimated 74 percent are proponents of making bulk e-mail illegal, while only 12 percent are opposed to banning it. January 3, 2003, 10:25 AM PT | 2) | Congress to take on spam, copyright | | When the 107th Congress ended its work last November, politicians discarded dozens of technology-related bills that had been briefly considered but were never enacted. Now that the 108th Congress has begun this week, some of those controversial proposals dealing with spam, copyright and Internet taxes will resurface--and some stand a better chance of becoming law. January 8, 2003, 4:00 AM PT |
 | September 11, 2001 - How To Help - Contact Information |

 | United We Stand AviationHistory.org would like to express our heartfelt sympathies, prayers and condolences to those who experienced a tremendous loss on Sept. 11, 2001. You'll find important phone numbers, community links and contact information for agencies by clicking here. To join our mailing list click here. |